速報APP / 商業 / LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail

LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:20c, Trolly Sq, Wilmington DE, 19806

LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail(圖1)-速報App

LeadsRain is introducing a Ringless Voicemail App, a user-friendly application. It is an effective and fast way to access RVM on the go.

You can do....

- Record Voicemail

LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail(圖2)-速報App

- Easy Accessibility

- Campaign Management

- View & Analyze Stats

LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail(圖3)-速報App

What is a Ringless Voicemail?

Ringless Voicemail or Direct-to-Voicemail is a technology that's used to drop pre-recorded messages straight to consumers' voicemail box without ringing their phones. It is used by marketers from several industries as a cost-effective way to enhance inbound call backs.

Why we need Ringless Voicemail Service?

LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail(圖4)-速報App

Prevents from the interference.

Enables recipients listen to the message whenever & wherever.

Target oriented message deployment.

LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail(圖5)-速報App

Substantially high delivery rate of voicemail.

Optimum results when combined with diversified frequencies of text or voice.

Communicates message to multiple prospects.

LeadsRain - Ringless Voicemail(圖6)-速報App

To know more, visit leadsrain.com